
We make every effort to provide an equal, fair and adequate opportunity for people with disabilities to enjoy our services, as efficiently and conveniently as possible. We see the Internet space as an essential public space that must be accessible and convenient for every person.
As part of the site’s activities, we do not accept audiences and / or provide frontal services of any kind. The connection in front of us is made through our website, which is accessible to people with disabilities, among other things, through the toolbar, which can be reached by clicking on the icon that appears at the bottom of the site. We provide support and assistance through our email. Our response enables the provision of a respectful and equal service to every person, while paying attention and adapting to the various needs. We immediately strive to further improve accessibility and apologize in advance if one of the documents or features is not sufficiently convenient and accessible.
To the extent that you have encountered a point problem in general, we wholeheartedly undertake to make every effort to find a solution to it. Please do not hesitate to contact us at this address to the following address: